About SID Bank
Prodaja terjatev


Družba Matična številka Izpostavljenost SID v EUR Delež SID v finančnem dolgu 
B N M d.o.o. 6004741000 820.842 33,00%
CIMOS d.d. 5040302000 331.137 4,00%
FORI d.o.o. 5295700000 1.279.756 20,00%
HABJAN & HABJAN d.o.o. 1429043000 283.210 71,00%
HANDTE - OST d.o.o. 5529409000 326.819 20,00%
MALUS d.o.o. 5823722000 318.623 58,10%
MLM d.d. 5035333000 585.553 7,00%
QUADROFIL d.o.o. 3911870000 1.465.668 90,00%
ROBOTIKA KOGLER d.o.o. 1422618000 124.634 10,00%


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Podatki o stranki in dejanskih lastnikih - pravna oseba
Izjava za ugotavljanje povezanih oseb

Call us at +386 1 200 75 00 or e-mail us at info@sid.si

where SID bank was present in 2021
mill €
volume of credit portfolio in 2021
mill €
volume of INSURANCE portfolio IN 2021
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SID Bank, the European Investment Fund, and the Croatian Development Bank HBOR have become cornerstone investors in the first technology innovation fund in Slovenia and Croatia.

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