About SID Bank
About SID Bank

SID Bank (SID – Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka, d.d., Ljubljana) is a promotional development and export bank 100% owned by the Republic of Slovenia. With our banking and insurance services we promote sustainable development and improve the competitiveness of the Slovene economy.

SID Bank was established in 1992 as Slovene Export Corporation (Slovenska izvozna družba, d.d., Ljubljana) with the aim of providing insurance and financing of export for Slovene companies. Since then we have grown and evolved in step with development of Slovene economy. SID Bank is the parent company of SID Bank Group, which provides its customers a wide range of services for promotion of competitiveness in international business cooperation.

The operations of SID Bank are based on a clear strategy and business model deriving from long-term development documents of the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia provides long-term stable operations for SID Bank to carry out its transactions and activities in order to pursue the long-term development orientations of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union.

As the sole shareholder, the Republic of Slovenia is responsible irrevocably and without limitations for SID Bank’s liabilities deriving from the transactions concluded during the pursuit of activities from Articles 11 and 12 of the Slovene export and development bank act (ZSIRB). If SID Bank fails to settle its due liabilities to a creditor at its written request, such liability should be immediately settled by the Republic of Slovenia at the creditor's request. This arrangement allows SID Bank to borrow on financial markets without having to obtain a guarantee by the Republic of Slovenia for each borrowing transaction.

SID Bank acquires most funds through borrowing on the international financial markets and transmit them to the economy in repayable forms.

The mission of SID Bank: We develop, provide and promote long-term financial services designed to supplement financial markets for the higher competitiveness of economy, creating new jobs and sustainable development of Slovenia.


Call us at 01 200 75 00 or e-mail us at info@sid.si

where SID bank was present in 2021
mill €
volume of credit portfolio in 2021
mill €
volume of INSURANCE portfolio IN 2021
15. July 2024

SID Bank, the European Investment Fund, and the Croatian Development Bank HBOR have become cornerstone investors in the first technology innovation fund in Slovenia and Croatia.

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