SID Bank collects visitors' e-mail addresses on its websites for the purpose of sending e-news. In doing so, it undertakes to protect all personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and to use them only for internal use and not to disclose them to other natural or legal persons.
In order to prevent unauthorized access to this data and to ensure its proper use, SID bank, d.d., Ljubljana will apply appropriate technical and organizational procedures to secure the collected data.
Personal data protection policy
At SID Bank, we guarantee the exercise of your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can submit your request to exercise these rights by mail to the address SID bank d.d., Personal Data Protection Officer, Josipine Turnograjske 6, 1000 Ljubljana (signed by hand) or to the e-mail address (signed with digital certificate).
Request for exercising rights related to the processing of personal data
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