Primer dobre prakse
Valmar Global d.o.o.

As part of the Special Conditions for Financing Companies of All Sizes for Working Capital, SID Bank provided a loan in the amount of 2,500,000.00 EUR to Valmar Global.

Valmar Global, based in Dombrava near Nova Gorica, started developing thirty years ago as a craft workshop for the production of ice cream machines. The main products of Valmar Global are ice cream machines and pastry machines. The company is primarily focused on the development and marketing of its products under the VALMAR brand, while the operational functions of production and distribution network are managed by Fering Fam Ltd. Their specialty lies in highly efficient machines for making homemade ice cream, later joined by high-capacity machines for mass production.

SID Bank provided a long-term 7-year loan to the company in 2022 for financing working capital in the amount of 2,500,000.00 EUR, mainly intended to cover material costs for the successful further development of the company and its operations. The loan funds are intended for financing working capital costs, including the purchase of materials, services, small inventory, and trade goods, as well as covering labor costs.

SID Bank, through this type of financing, enables the growth and development of companies, promoting the Slovenian economy and sustainable development of Slovenia. Direct financing is available to all small, medium, and large enterprises that can allocate funds for financing the acquisition value of tangible and intangible assets, material costs, services, small inventory, trade goods, and labor costs.

Valter Jejčič, CEO of Valmar Global, said: 'As an export-oriented company, we have repeated our cooperation with SID Bank for the third time. Each time, the bank's employees helped us find a suitable solution at the right time and impressed us with their expertise, responsiveness, and support. The deal suited us in terms of flexibility, security, and the costs of long-term financing. If they meet the criteria, we warmly recommend all companies and organizations to explore the offerings and possibilities of participating in the range of numerous solutions offered by SID Bank.'

We warmly recommend all companies and organizations to explore the offerings and possibilities of participating in the range of numerous solutions offered by SID Bank.

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Pravno obvestilo

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S prijavo na e-obvestila posameznik izrecno soglaša, da SID banka obdeluje osebne podatke za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja. SID banka lahko prijavljen elektronski naslov obdeluje za lastne potrebe do preklica pisne privolitve oz. do časa, ko podatki ne bodo več služili svojemu namenu, pri čemer za novičarsko listo lahko uporablja zunanji servis skladno s pravili slednjega (npr. eGlasnik) in podatke hrani v oblaku.

Posameznik ima skladno z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov pravico, da kadarkoli pisno ali na e-mail naslov: zahteva odjavo od prejemanja e-obvestil ter da SID banka osebne podatke trajno ali začasno preneha uporabljati za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja, pri čemer bo SID banka ustrezno preprečila uporabo osebnih podatkov za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja.

Elektronski naslov, na katerega prejemate e-obvestila, je shranjen in varovan v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.