Areas of Financing

The financial services rendered by SID Bank support the four main purposes of development:

The Development of a Competitive Economy and Internationalization

  • Financing of growth and development of small and medium sized enterprises.
  • Financing of projects in all stages of development of large companies in the following areas: research, development and innovation; environmental protection; concurrent regional development; employment and qualification.
  • Financing of internationalization of business transactions of companies of all sizes, especially small and medium sized enterprises: exports of goods and services, investments abroad.

The Development of a Knowledge Society and Innovative Entrepreneurship

  • Financing of research, development, innovation and new technologies, which result in new or substantially improved products, services or processes, with the aim of reaching higher competitiveness and a higher value added, with a special emphasis on innovative entrepreneurship.
  • Financing of education, especially with the aim of promoting and improving the level of education, acquisition of specific knowledge and knowledge management.
  • Financing of educational infrastructure, especially adequate spatial infrastructure and equipment needed for the pursuance of educational processes.

The Development of an Environmentally Friendly Society and Production

  • Financing of environmental protection, especially the protection of clean water, discharging of waste water or supply of drinking water, waste management, reduction of air pollution, reduction of noise or other adverse environmental effects, land redevelopment and environmental measures in relation to traffic and transport, etc.
  • Financing of renewable energy sources, such as solar power, power from biomass and biogas, geothermal energy, wind power and hydropower.
  • Financing of energy and material efficiency, especially measures which improve energy efficiency of business premises and residential property.
  • Financing of environmentally friendly production or products which contribute in innovative ways to prevent or reduce environmental pollution or to increase the material efficiency of production.

Regional and Social Development

  • Financing of infrastructure in the areas of: telecommunications, traffic, sport, tourism, culture, healthcare, etc.
  • Financing the renewal of construction or residential property in specific areas, such as non-profit residences, residences for the youth, nursing homes and assisted living facilities, especially when they include energy efficient and environmentally friendly measures.
  • Financing employment preservation and increase, with education, specialized qualifications and knowledge needed for growth of companies and re-training of employes.

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03. Februar 2025

Po spletu krožijo lažna e-poštna sporočila (phishing), v katerih se zlorablja ime SID banke!

16. Januar 2025

Novo leto prinaša nove priložnosti za rast in razvoj, zato vas vabimo na srečanje z naslovom "Aktualni programi financiranja".

Trenutno aktualno
Pravno obvestilo

Z brezplačnimi e-obvestili vas obveščamo o novostih, povezanih z agencijo, splošnih informacijah, povezanih s komuniciranjem in oglaševanjem, člankih, aktualnih ponudbah in ostalih poslovnih informacijah. Pošiljatelj e-obvestil in upravljavec zbirke osebnih podatkov je SID banka, d.d., Ljubljana, Ulica Josipine Turnograjske 6, 1000 Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju SID banka).

E-obvestila prejemate v skladu z Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah na osnovi vaše prijave na prejemanje e-obvestil na spletni strani SID banke, sodelovanja v nagradnih igrah, nakupa ali iz drugih pravnih naslovov, s katerimi je bilo dano prostovoljno soglasje.
S prijavo na e-obvestila posameznik izrecno soglaša, da SID banka obdeluje osebne podatke za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja. SID banka lahko prijavljen elektronski naslov obdeluje za lastne potrebe do preklica pisne privolitve oz. do časa, ko podatki ne bodo več služili svojemu namenu, pri čemer za novičarsko listo lahko uporablja zunanji servis skladno s pravili slednjega (npr. eGlasnik) in podatke hrani v oblaku.

Posameznik ima skladno z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov pravico, da kadarkoli pisno ali na e-mail naslov: zahteva odjavo od prejemanja e-obvestil ter da SID banka osebne podatke trajno ali začasno preneha uporabljati za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja, pri čemer bo SID banka ustrezno preprečila uporabo osebnih podatkov za namene ciljnega in neposrednega trženja.

Elektronski naslov, na katerega prejemate e-obvestila, je shranjen in varovan v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.