Ivo Boscarol, Director: "Cooperation with SID Bank was expeditious, correct and efficient. We especially appreciate their responsiveness and willingness to focus on concrete problems."
The Pipistrel company was founded as the first private aircraft manufacturer in the former Yugoslavia. In 28 years of its existence it has produced various aircrafts: from motor dragons through sailing and fast motor planes up to four-seated aircraft with high-tech hybrid drives. The Pipistrel manufactures most technologically advanced, most powerful, and at the same time the most economical aircraft in its class in the world, and their energy for the future is focused on the development of environmentally friendly aircraft drives with electricity and hydrogen.
The Pipistrel company was selected as a contractor for a major long-term project in India. Due to the specifics of the supplies and the long payment terms of the transaction, financing was required for the production of a large number of aircrafts before the first payments. SID Bank helped with crediting, professional support and credibility in order to overcome all obstacles and enabled the company to carry out a large long-term business with India.
Cooperation with SID Bank was expeditious, correct and efficient.
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