The construction of Fabian Bridge improved the pedestrian flow and reduced traffic on certain road sections.
City of Ljubljana is the geographical, political, economic, scientific, and cultural center of the Republic of Slovenia, with a little over 288,000 inhabitants.
The municipality (MOL) planned to build a connecting road Njegoševa - Roška with a bridge over the Ljubljanica river, now known as the Fabian Bridge. The financial construction for the project included two sources in the form of funds from the state budget (co-financing of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology) into the own funds of the MOL budget. In order to cover the financial structure MOL decided to partially finance the investment with the SID Bank's loan.
With the funds that MOL received from SID Bank they managed to complete the project which improved the pedestrian flow and reduced traffic on certain road sections. This is just one of many projects supported by SID Bank with financing municipality, thereby following its mission to promote investments in local public infrastructure.
The construction of Fabian Bridge improved the pedestrian flow and reduced traffic on certain road sections.
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