SID Bank became the first Slovenian issuer to issue green bonds on the international capital market, in the amount of EUR 75 million. SID Bank’s green bonds received an opinion from the internationally recognised firm Sustainalytics, which confirmed in full the bonds’ compliance with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association. SID Bank will earmark the green bonds for the financing of green projects and circular economy models, and thus contribute to the achievement of Slovenia’s sustainable development goals. SID Bank is one of the first issuers of green bonds in this part of Europe.
“SID Bank, whose mission is the sustainable development of Slovenia, also promotes green investments in the environment, renewable energy sources, clean transport and the circular economy, and sustainable management. Through new innovative forms of financial instruments we aim to provide the economy in particular greener projects and technologies, which will ensure that Slovenia remains a green oasis of Europe. To that end, we ensure cost-acceptable conditions and profitability, which promotes investments in new business models for the economy. The issue of our first green bonds represents an important step in that direction,” said Sibil Svilan, President of SID Bank’s Management Board to mark the occasion.
SID Bank issued green bond private placement on the international capital market in the amount of EUR 75 million , the transaction was priced thight at the low end of the price range which was supported by the green labelling. Demand for SID Bank’s bonds totalled EUR 172 million.
In accordance with the Green Bond Principles, SID Bank’s green bonds are intended for green projects in the areas of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, the prevention and control of pollution, the environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and the use of land, clean transport, the sustainable management of water and waste water, products adapted for an environmentally efficient and/or circular economy, production technologies/processes, and green construction. In the future, SID Bank will expand the scope of its financing in the aforementioned areas, for which it will also publish an annual assessment of effects on the environment and society.
With the aim of promoting a green or sustainable economy, SID Bank and other development banks in the scope of the European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI) signed a special declaration at a summit in Paris (COP21) as a commitment to the transition to a low-carbon economy. As a signatory of the aforementioned declaration, SID Bank welcomes and encourages other market participants to commit to sustainable investments and the development of a green bond market in Slovenia. Through its activities, SID Bank intends to serve as a catalyst in the future for numerous local issuers of and investors in green bonds.
SID Bank is working actively towards changes in existing environmental, economic and social paradigms in light of the holistic and systematic approach set out in the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030. SID Bank thus contributes to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, to which Slovenia and the other 192 countries committed themselves in September 2015.
“In order to become a society that understands how to deal with change, uncertainty and challenges, we want to create the conditions for and establish a systemic approach to sustainable development.” Slovenian Development Strategy 2030.
SID Bank’s green bonds are in line with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association, as confirmed by the internationally recognised firm Sustainalytics:
»SID Bank Green Bond Framework is credible and impactful and aligns with the four core components of the Green Bond Principles 2018. The eligible activities will contribute to GHG emissions and waste reduction as well as improved water quality in Slovenia and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.« |
The main characteristics of SID Bank’s green bonds are as follows:
Bond designation: SEDABI 12/12/2023
Green bond
Issue size: EUR 75,000,000
S&P issuer rating: A+
Coupon rate: 0.50%
Yield: 0.532% (mid-swap rate + 0.26%)
Date of issue: 4 December 2018
Maturity date: 12 December 2023
Listing: Vienna Stock Exchange (MTF)
Structure of investors: 46% Slovenian, 54% foreign
Bid-to-cover ratio: 2.3
SID Bank is one of the first issuers of green bonds in this part of Europe.
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