Share capital | EUR 300,000,090.70 |
Number of ordinary registered no-par value shares | 3,121,741 |
Equity on 31 December 2023 | EUR 484,7 million |
Audited book value per share on 31 December 2023 | EUR 156,18 |
SID Bank (SID – Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka, d.d., Ljubljana; short: SID banka, d.d., Ljubljana) operates as a national promotional development bank, and as authorized Slovene export-credit agency (ECA), which provides non-marketable insurance on behalf and for the account of the Republic of Slovenia.
SID Bank is the successor of Slovene Export Corporation, Inc., Ljubljana (Slovene: Slovenska izvozna družba, d.d., Ljubljana), which was founded on 27 October 1992 as a special private-law financial institution for export insurance and financing.
At the end of 2006 the company acquired license of the Bank of Slovenia and was transformed to a specialized bank for promotion of export and development.
On 28 July 2008, the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted a Decree on transfer of minority shareholders' shares to the majority shareholder (the Republic of Slovenia). The Decree on transfer of shares was entered in registry on 18 September 2008. The Republic of Slovenia has thus become the sole shareholder of SID Bank, consequently fulfilling the condition for the Slovene Export and Development Bank Act, which was adopted on 23 May 2008 by the National Assembly.
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