Expansion of SEGIP programme (SEGIP Top-Up).
Intervention and countercyclical action during the COVID epidemic.
Issuance of the Green Bond for financing circular economy projects.
SID bank becomes the manager of the EU Fund of Funds.
Establishment of equity financing through The Slovene Equity Growth Investment Programme (SEGIP).
Development of the first green bond in Slovenia in cooperation with GEN-I Sonce and NKBM.
SID bank successfully stands Asset Quality Review by ECB.
Launch of loan funds in cooperation with Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (to date 4 funds).
Recapitalization of SID bank due to its inclusion in crisis measures.
With the license from Bank of Slovenia transformation to SID - Slovenian Export and Development Bank (short version SID Bank).
Co-founding of The Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR).
The beginning of validity of the Insurance and Financing of International Business Transactions Act.
Establishment of PRO KOLEKT and SID-PKZ.
Acquisition of a 50 % share in PRVI FAKTOR.
Established in 1992 as Slovenian Export Corporation (Slovenska izvozna družba - SID).
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